Studio Visit: Screenprinter PataPri

May 8, 2016

I visited my friend and textile/printing artist “PataPri”. Her studio is by the sea in Akiya, Yokosuka, Japan, and you could get all the great ocean view from the room she works at.

I regretted that I didn’t take more pictures but her mid-century modern inspired interior decoration and the collection of fabulous handmade items from all over the world entertain me every time I visit her.

And since it was during the annual Hayama Art Festival, which PataPri takes part in, I and my another friend, enjoyed the open studio and printing workshop.

PataPri商品 テキスタイル雑貨
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PataPri プリント
Printing process started
Squeeze the ink through the screen onto base fabric


Dry with heat and printing done!
PataPri’s hand made cheese cake! (not for sale)

Thanks for the warm welcome and wonderful time, Yuko san!
